Smitten with Minnie, Mickey proclaims that he'll "cut down to my size", and sets off for the giant's lair. The king thinks he is holding out for a bigger payday and offers him increasingly vast riches and then (at her suggestion) the hand of his only daughter, Princess Minnie, in marriage if he can kill, or at least subdue, the giant. On discovering the misunderstanding, all of Mickey's confidence disappears, and he attempts to stammer his way out of the assignment. He goes into an elaborate retelling of how he killed the seven (flies, not giants as the king believes), which impresses the king enough to appoint him "Royal High Killer of the Giant". The king summons him and asks if he really "killed seven at one blow".

Gossip that Mickey has killed seven giants with one blow quickly spreads around the kingdom. Peasant (to his friends): "Say, did you ever kill a giant?" Mickey (sticking his head out his window): "I killed seven with one blow!" He unknowingly interrupts a conversation among several other peasants about the problems with the giant to brag loudly about his accomplishment: While this is happening, a young peasant tailor (Mickey Mouse) kills seven flies at once while at his work. There is much discussion in the village, but no one is willing to take on the task. During the Middle Ages in Europe, a king is seeking a brave warrior to kill a giant who has been terrorizing his small kingdom.